Welcome to the StarlingX Documentation

StarlingX is a fully integrated edge cloud software stack that provides everything needed to deploy an edge cloud on one, two, or up to 100 servers.

The most recent supported release is StarlingX R10.0.

For more information about the StarlingX project, refer to the StarlingX wiki.


Community contributions to the documentation are welcome! If you see an empty topic and want to contribute, refer to the linked story in the topic for details.

See our Contributor guide for more information.


To get started fast with StarlingX, try the Virtual All-in-one Simplex Installation, which requires a minimum of hardware and configuration.

Learn more about StarlingX:

Deployment configurations


Installation guides


System configuration

Data networks

Node management


Fault management

Backup and restore



Admin tasks

User tasks

Guest integration


Distributed Cloud

Sample Application Deployments

Deprecated guides

The guides listed here have been replaced by new guides that provide more details.

General information


StarlingX is a top-level OpenStack Foundation pilot project that is governed by two separate bodies: The OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors and the StarlingX Technical Steering Committee.

See StarlingX Governance for additional information about StarlingX project governance.