Deployment of Patch Releases before Bootstrap and Commissioning of initial InstallationΒΆ
About this task
When initially installing a StarlingX system, occasionally it is required to deploy the latest available patch release for the major release being deployed.
The patch releases should be deployed using the procedure below.
AFTER the initial install of software on the first host (controller-0), and
BEFORE running the Ansible Bootstrap Playbook and configuring and installing software on any other hosts.
This ensures that:
The software on controller-0, and all other hosts, is up to date when the cluster first becomes active.
You reduce installation time by avoiding having to patch the system right after an out-of-date software installation is completed.
The software patch releases that are required to be deployed are available on a USB flash drive, or from a server reachable by controller-0.
You are at the beginning of a StarlingX system installation. Specifically,
You have used the StarlingX bootable ISO image (for a major release) to install the StarlingX software on controller-0.
You have logged into the console port as user sysadmin, BUT you have NOT bootstrapped the system yet.
Upload the patch releases.
Upload the updates from the USB flash drive using the software upload <patch-release.patch file> command.
is required for authentication due to StarlingX authentication not currently running.$ sudo software upload --local <patch-release>.patch** <release-id> is now uploaded +-------------------------------+-------------------+ | Uploaded File | Release | +-------------------------------+-------------------+ | <new-release>.patch | <new-release-id> | +-------------------------------+-------------------+
Repeat the above command for all patch releases to be deployed.
If you copied the patch release file(s) to /home/sysadmin/, then remove these files.
After the patch release files are uploaded to the system, the original files are no longer required.
You should delete them to ensure enough disk space to complete the installation.
If the original files are not deleted before the updates are applied, the installation may fail due to a full disk.
Deploy the patch releases.
$ sudo software deploy start <highest-patch-release-id-being-deployed> $ sudo software deploy localhost Patch Release deployment complete. Please reboot before continuing.
Reboot controller-0.
You must reboot the controller to ensure that it is running with the software fully updated.
$ sudo reboot
Continue with bootstrapping and configuring your system.
Once all hosts in the cluster are initialized, they will all be running fully patched software.