Portieris integration

Storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007348

This story integrates Portieris ( https://github.com/IBM/portieris ), a Kubernetes admission controller for the enforcement of image security policies into the platform, to be deployed as an armada app.

Problem description

When launching a pod, it may pull docker images from a variety of container registries. Because containers share the host kernel and depending on pod security contexts may have access to some host resources, it is an important security concept to ‘trust’ the container images running in containers on your system. In order to confirm the integrity and the publisher of container images, it is necessary to allow the enforcement of image security policies.

Use Cases

  • Deployer wants to restrict to only authorized images signed by a particular publisher being deployed.

  • End user wants to validate the integrity of the container images being used.

Proposed change

Portieris is an open-source project that serves as a Kubernetes Admission Webhook, to validate Docker Content Trust through communicating with a notary server and prevent resource creation with unauthorized or integrity-compromised container images.

This will introduce a new armada app called ‘portieris-armada-app’, which can be installed through sysinv, and will deploy portieris through its helm charts.

Once installed, image security policies will be able to be configured through kubectl.

This will also require creating a ‘portieris-armada-app’ repo, which will contain the source and build information for this armada app.

It will also be necessary to fix any blocking bugs in portieris that are affecting the correct deployment/behavior of this armada app including with open-source docker registries such as harbor.


open policy agent gatekeeper, plus implementing new service to talk to notary server. Would be much more complex than using portieris, which is made for this use case.

grafeas/kritis, which would require adding grafeas to the project, a much more significant change than adding portieris as an armada app.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

Introduces new security feature, while will authenticate container images being used.

Uses notary libraries to communicate with a notary server, which use cryptography (both encryption and hashing) for this connection. Also does cryptographic signature verification.

User-provided notary configuration provided as part of bootstrap.

Other end user impact

Deployed through armada app. If applied, restricts end users to only deployments that comply with configured image security policies.

Performance Impact

If the armada app is applied, this may have a small impact on pod creation times, due to the extra request over the network to the notary server. This armada app will be optional, so should not be used in deployments where this impact is prohibitive.

Other deployer impact

When configured, it is required to have an external notary server. If connectivity to this notary server is lost, pod creation will not be allowed.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Repos Impacted

  • portieris-armada-app repo needs to be created.

  • stx-config will have helm plugins added, which should eventually be moved to armada app repo.

Work Items

  • Introduce new ‘portieris-armada-app’ repo and app, following current pattern used by StarlingX for other armada apps, with helm charts pulled from latest portieris release on github.

  • Integrate with cert-manager, with secrets managed through cert-manager.

  • Fix/upstream any issues with portieris related to open source docker registries such as harbor.

  • Fix/upstream proper overriding of ca cert in portieris.



No unit tests will be added to StarlingX. Upstream portieris project contains unit tests in github repo, and additional unit tests will be added alongside upstream bug fixes.

Pre-submission tests will be run using various docker registries:

  • harbor

  • jfrog

Documentation Impact

Add section on configuring portieris image policies. Details on specification of image policies should reference portieris documentation.




Release Name


