StarlingX: Ansible Provision for StarlingX Hosts

This spec will improve the configurations after system bootstrap sucessfully.

Problem description

The primary controller is currently bootstrapped by ansible, and remote subcloud bootstrap is supported. However, there are many configurations that need to be executed manually according to Installation Guides. And in distributed cloud, the subclouds cannot be configured successfully all at once, after one subcloud bootstrap, operator have to manually provision subcloud’s primary controller. It is necessary to provide a standard ansible playbook for host provisioning, so that is the last step to support zero touch deployment completely.

Use Cases

  • As a developer/tester/operator, I need the ability to configure the hosts all by yaml config file.

  • As a developer/tester/operator, I need the ability to deploy the subcloud with one touch.

  • As a developer of StarlingX community, I would like the deployment more easier just with inputting required parameters.

Proposed change

Existing workflow


  1. Apply bootstrap puppet manifest

  2. Populate system configuration (with defaults and user-supplied config)

  3. Bring up Kubernetes master node and essential services


Manual or scripted configurations required for unlock.


  1. Apply controller puppet manifest (and worker, storage puppet manifests for All-in-one)

  2. Activate all services

Proposed workflow

The provision of the StarlingX hosts will be orchestrated by an Ansible Playbook.


  1. Apply bootstrap puppet manifest

  2. Populate system configuration (with defaults and user-supplied config)

  3. Bring up Kubernetes master node and essential services


  1. Configure network interfaces

  2. Configure ceph cluster

  3. Configurations of Kubernetes and OpenStack


  1. Apply controller puppet manifest (and worker, storage puppet manifests for All-in-one)

  2. Activate all services

Scope of the new workflow

The new workflow will cover the customize configurations after bootstrap.

Provision playbook roles and tasks

Below is a list of major roles and tasks.

Role: validate-config-input
  • Task: validate-config

Role: configure-interfaces
  • Task: configure-oam-interface

  • Task: configure-mgmt-interface

  • Task: configure-cluster-interface

  • Task: configure-data-interfaces

Role: configure-ceph
  • Task: configure-ceph-mon

  • Task: configure-ceph-osd

Role: configure-kubernetes
  • Task: configure-k8s-sriov

Role: configure-openstack
  • Task: configure-nova-local

  • Task: configure-vswitch

  • Task: configure-host-labels

Role: unlock-hosts
  • Task: check-configurations

  • Task: unlock-host

Playbook directory layout

The directory layout of the playbook initially could be as follows:









Playbook pre_tasks and post_tasks

The pre_tasks and post_tasks can be as simple as marking the start and end of the playbook execution.

Running provision playbook

ansible-playbook provision.yml -i <inventory-file> -e <variable-file> -l <limit-hosts>



Data model impact


REST API impact

The dcmanager API will be modified to support the following operations:

  • POST /v1.0/subclouds

    • Now, a new request to create subcloud will have two other optional parameters, “deploy_playbook” and “deploy_values”. “deploy_playbook” is used for inputting an executable ansible playbook and “deploy_values” is the parameters for this playbook. When they are both defined, the ‘deploy_playbook’ will be executed after subcloud controller-0 bootstrap. At presnet, the “deploy_playbook” and “deploy_values” must be created by every operator. So I hope to develop a common ansible playbook, it can be used to provision not only central’s nodes but also subclouds’ nodes. When you want to use the common provisioning playbook, just define “deploy_values”. In addition, you also can define both “deploy_playbook” and “deploy_values” to use customize provisioning playbook, and not define both to not provision.

    • For implementing the functionality above, we need to update the back-end codes for allowing that “deploy_values” is defined with undefined “deploy_playbook” which case is not allowed now.

Security impact

Provisioning is executed after bootstrap by ansible. As such, it does not introduce any additional security impact.

Other end user impact

The user will be expected to interact with the feature using ansible-playbook to proform host unlock. The provision deployment method will give the user easier to customize and automate the deployment.

Performance Impact

Using ansible to unlock host should be faster and more reliable than manual.

Other deployer impact

See end user impact.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:

Zhang Kunpeng(

Other contributors:

Hu Tianhao(

Repos Impacted

  • ansilbe-playbook

  • discloud

Work Items

  • Create a provision Playbook to unlock primary host and other hosts.

  • Modify discloud to support provision playbook when creating subcloud.


  • Containerized StarlingX based deployment


This story does not affect the configuration and deployment of StarlingX, it makes end user easier to configure hosts.

The provision tests will be limited to All-in-one simplex,All-in-one duplex, Standard configurations and Distributed Cloud configurations.

Documentation Impact

This story affects the StarlingX installation and configuration documentation. Specific details of the documentation changes will be addressed once the implementation is complete.





Release Name


