Create or Change the Size of Nova-local StorageΒΆ

You must configure the storage resources on a host before you can unlock it. If you prefer, you can use the CLI.

About this task

You can use entire disks or disk partitions on compute hosts for use as nova-local storage. You can add multiple disks or disk partitions. Once a disk is added and configuration is persisted through a lock/unlock, the disk can no longer be removed.


If a root-disk partition on any compute host is used for local storage, then for performance reasons, all VMs on the system must be booted from Cinder volumes, and must not use ephemeral or swap disks. For more information, see Storage on Compute Hosts.


  1. Lock the compute node.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-lock compute-0
  2. Log in to the active controller as the Keystone admin user.

  3. Review the available disk space and capacity.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-list compute-0
    | uuid                                 | device_node  | available_gib |
    |                                      |              |               |
    | 5dcb3a0e-c677-4363-a030-58e245008504 | /dev/sda     | 12216         |
    | c2932691-1b46-4faf-b823-2911a9ecdb9b | /dev/sdb     | 20477         |
  4. During initial set-up, add the nova-local local volume group.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-lvg-add compute-0 nova-local
    | Property        | Value                                                      |
    | lvm_vg_name     | nova-local                                                 |
    | vg_state        | adding                                                     |
    | uuid            | 5b8f0792-25b5-4e43-8058-d274bf8fa51c                       |
    | ihost_uuid      | 327b2136-ffb6-4cd5-8fed-d2ec545302aa                       |
    | lvm_vg_access   | None                                                       |
    | lvm_max_lv      | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_cur_lv      | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_max_pv      | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_cur_pv      | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_vg_size_gb  | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_vg_total_pe | 0                                                          |
    | lvm_vg_free_pe  | 0                                                          |
    | created_at      | 2015-12-23T16:30:25.524251+00:00                           |
    | updated_at      | None                                                       |
    | parameters      | {u'instance_backing': u'lvm', u'instances_lv_size_mib': 0} |
  5. Obtain the UUID of the disk or partition to use for nova-local storage.

    To obtain the UUIDs for available disks, use the system host-disk-list command as shown earlier.

    To obtain the UUIDs for available partitions on a disk, use system host-disk-partition-list.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-partition-list compute-0 --disk <disk_uuid>

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-partition-list compute-0 --disk
    | uuid                                 | device_path                 | device_node  | size_gib | status               |
    |                                      |                             |              |          |                      |
    | 08fd8b75-a99e-4a8e-af6c-7aab2a601e68 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000: |   /dev/sdb1  |   1024   | Creating (on unlock) |
    |                                      | 00:01.1-ata-1.1-part1       |              |          |                      |
    |                                      |                             |              |          |                      |
    |                                      |                             |              |          |                      |
  6. Create a partition to add to the volume group.

    If you plan on using an entire disk, you can skip this step.

    Do this using the host-disk-partition-add command. The syntax is:

    system host-disk-partition-add [-t <partition_type>]
     <hostname_or_id> <disk_path_or_uuid>

    For example.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-partition-add compute-0 \
    c2932691-1b46-4faf-b823-2911a9ecdb9b 1
    | Property    | Value                                            |
    | device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-ata-1.1-part1 |
    | device_node | /dev/sdb1                                        |
    | type_guid   | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001             |
    | type_name   | None                                             |
    | start_mib   | None                                             |
    | end_mib     | None                                             |
    | size_mib    | 1024                                             |
    | uuid        | 6a194050-2328-40af-b313-22dbfa6bab87             |
    | ihost_uuid  | 0acf8e83-e74c-486e-9df4-00ce1441a899             |
    | idisk_uuid  | c2932691-1b46-4faf-b823-2911a9ecdb9b             |
    | ipv_uuid    | None                                             |
    | status      | Creating (on unlock)                             |
    | created_at  | 2018-01-24T20:25:41.852388+00:00                 |
    | updated_at  | None                                             |
  7. Obtain the UUID of the partition to use for nova-local storage as described in step

  1. Add a disk or partition to the nova-local group, using a command of the following form:


    The host must be locked

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-pv-add compute-0 nova-local <uuid>

    where <uuid> is the UUID of the disk or partition, obtained using system host-partition-list, or of the disk, obtained using system host-disk-list.

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-pv-add compute-0 nova-local \
    | Property                 | Value                                            |
    | uuid                     | 8eea6ca7-5192-4ee0-bd7b-7d7fa7c637f1             |
    | pv_state                 | adding                                           |
    | pv_type                  | partition                                        |
    | disk_or_part_uuid        | 08fd8b75-a99e-4a8e-af6c-7aab2a601e68             |
    | disk_or_part_device_node | /dev/sdb1                                        |
    | disk_or_part_device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-ata-1.1-part1 |
    | lvm_pv_name              | /dev/sdb1                                        |
    | lvm_vg_name              | nova-local                                       |
    | lvm_pv_uuid              | None                                             |
    | lvm_pv_size_gib          | 0.0                                              |
    | lvm_pe_total             | 0                                                |
    | lvm_pe_alloced           | 0                                                |
    | ihost_uuid               | 0acf8e83-e74c-486e-9df4-00ce1441a899             |
    | created_at               | 2018-01-25T18:20:14.423947+00:00                 |
    | updated_at               | None                                             |


    Multiple disks/partitions can be added to nova-local by repeating steps 5-8, above.