Apply the Update Strategy for Distributed Cloud

You can update the platform software across the Distributed Cloud system by applying the update strategy for Distributed Cloud Update Orchestration.

About this task

You can apply the update strategy from the Horizon Web interface or the CLI. To use the CLI, see Update Management for Distributed Cloud.


Before you can apply the update strategy, you must upload and apply one or more updates to the SystemController / central update repository, create the update strategy for subclouds, and optionally adjust the configuration settings for updating nodes. For more information, see Update Management for Distributed Cloud.


  1. Select the SystemController region.

  2. Select Distributed Cloud Admin > Orchestration.

  3. On the Orchestration page, select the Orchestration Strategy tab.

  4. Click Apply Strategy.

    To monitor the progress of the overall update orchestration, use the Orchestration Strategy tab.

    To monitor the progress of host updates on RegionOne of System Controller or a subcloud, use the Host Inventory page on the subcloud.