Roll Back a Software Upgrade Before the Second Controller UpgradeΒΆ
After the first controller is upgraded, you can still perform an in-service abort of an upgrade before the second Controller (controller-0 in the examples of this procedure) has been upgraded. The system upgrade-abort command can be run from the node that is updated with the latest release and has upgraded successfully.
Abort the upgrade with the upgrade-abort command.
$ system upgrade-abort
The upgrade state is set to aborting. Once this is executed, there is no canceling; the upgrade must be completely aborted.
The following states apply when you execute this command.
State entered when system upgrade-abort is executed before upgrading controller-0.
Remain in this state until the abort is completed.
Make controller-0 active.
$ system host-swact controller-1
If controller-1 was active with the new upgrade release, swacting back to controller-0 will switch back to using the previous release databases, which were frozen at the time of the swact to controller-1. Any changes to the system that were made while controller-1 was active will be lost.
Lock and downgrade controller-1.
$ system host-lock controller-1 $ system host-downgrade controller-1
The host is re-installed with the previous release load.
The downgrade process will take a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
You can view the downgrade progress on controller-1 using the serial console.
Unlock controller-1.
$ system host-unlock controller-1
Complete the upgrade.
$ system upgrade-complete
Delete the newer upgrade release that has been aborted.
$ system load-delete <loadID>