About Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration

Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration allows the Kubernetes version on all hosts of an entire StarlingX cloud to be updated with a single operation.

You can configure and run Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration using the CLI, or the stx-nfv VIM REST API.

Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration Requirements

Kubernetes version upgrade orchestration can only be done on a system that meets the following conditions:

  • The system is clear of alarms (with the exception of alarms for locked hosts, stopped instances, and Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration in progress).


    When configuring Kubernetes version upgrade cloud orchestration, you have the option to ignore alarms that are not management-affecting severity. For more information, see Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration.

  • There are unlocked-enabled worker function hosts in the system that requires Kubernetes Version Upgrade Cloud Orchestration. The Kubernetes Upgrade Orchestration Strategy creation step will fail if there are no qualified hosts detected.

    A Kubernetes version upgrade is a reboot required operation. Therefore, in systems that have the stx-openstack application applied with running instances, if the migrate option is selected there must be spare openstack-compute (worker) capacity to move instances off the openstack-compute (worker) host(s) being upgraded.


    Administrative controller swact operations should be avoided during Kubernetes version upgrade orchestration.