Enable Optional Telemetry ServicesΒΆ

By default in StarlingX OpenStack, Telemetry services are disabled. These services are optional and includes Ceilometer (Data collection service), Panko (Event storage service), Gnocchi (Time series metric storage service), and Aodh (Alarming service).

About this task

You can use the following procedure to enable these optional telemetry services on the active controller.


  1. To enable telemetry services, use the following command:

    $ system help helm-chart-attribute-modify
    Usage: system helm-chart-attribute-modify
                     [--enabled <true/false>]
                     <app name> <chart name> <namespace>
    Modify helm chart attributes. This function is provided to modify
    system behaviorial attributes related to a chart. This does not modify
    a chart, nor does it modify chart overrides which are managed through
    the helm-override- update command.
    Positional arguments:
      <app name>            Name of the application
      <chart name>          Name of the chart
      <namespace>           Namespace of the chart
    Optional arguments:
      --enabled <true/false>
      Chart enabled.
    1. Run the following command to enable Ceilometer service.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack ceilometer openstack --enabled true
      | Property   | Value              |
      | attributes | {u'enabled': True} |
      | name       | ceilometer         |
      | namespace  | openstack          |
    2. Run the following command to enable Gnocchi service.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack gnocchi openstack --enabled true
      | Property   | Value              |
      | attributes | {u'enabled': True} |
      | name       | gnocchi            |
      | namespace  | openstack          |
    3. Run the following command to enable Aodh service.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack aodh openstack --enabled true
      | Property   | Value              |
      | attributes | {u'enabled': True} |
      | name       | aodh               |
      | namespace  | openstack          |
    4. Run the following command to enable Panko service.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-chart-attribute-modify stx-openstack panko openstack --enabled true
      | Property   | Value              |
      | attributes | {u'enabled': True} |
      | name       | panko              |
      | namespace  | openstack          |
  2. Run the following command to verify that all services are enabled.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-list stx-openstack -l
    | chart name                | overrides namespaces           | chart enabled |
    | aodh                      | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | barbican                  | [u'openstack']                 | [False]       |
    | ceilometer                | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | ceph-rgw                  | [u'openstack']                 | [False]       |
    | cinder                    | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | dcdbsync                  | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | fm-rest-api               | [u'openstack']                 | [False]       |
    | garbd                     | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | glance                    | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | gnocchi                   | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | heat                      | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | horizon                   | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | ingress                   | [u'kube-system', u'openstack'] | [True, True]  |
    | ironic                    | [u'openstack']                 | [False]       |
    | keystone                  | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | keystone-api-proxy        | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | libvirt                   | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | mariadb                   | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | memcached                 | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | networking-avs            | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | neutron                   | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | nginx-ports-control       | []                             | []            |
    | nova                      | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | nova-api-proxy            | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | openstack-helm-toolkit    | []                             | []            |
    | openstack-psp-rolebinding | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | openvswitch               | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | panko                     | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | placement                 | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
    | rabbitmq                  | [u'openstack']                 | [True]        |
  3. To reapply these changes to the stx-openstack application, run the following command.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply stx-openstack

    Once stx-openstack is applied successfully, telemetry services should be available.

  4. Run the following helm command to verify the updates.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ helm list | grep -E 'ceilometer|gnocchi|panko|aodh'