Add a Storage Tier Using the CLIΒΆ

You can add custom storage tiers for OSDs to meet specific container disk requirements.

About this task

For more information about storage tiers, see StarlingX Storage Configuration and Management: Storage on Storage Hosts.


  • On an All-in-One Simplex or Duplex system, controller-0 must be provisioned and unlocked before you can add a secondary tier.

  • On Standard (2+2) and Standard with Storage (2+2+2) system, both controllers must be unlocked and available before secondary tiers can be added.


  1. Ensure that the storage tier has a full complement of OSDs.

    You cannot add new tiers until the default storage tier contains the number of OSDs required by the replication factor for the storage backend.

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-tier-show ceph_cluster storage
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | acc8fb74-6dc9-453f-85c8-884f85522639 |
    | name         | storage                              |
    | type         | ceph                                 |
    | status       | in-use                               |
    | backend_uuid | 649830bf-b628-4170-b275-1f0b01cfc859 |
    | cluster_uuid | 364d4f89-bbe1-4797-8e3b-01b745e3a471 |
    | OSDs         | [0, 1]                               |
    | created_at   | 2018-02-15T19:32:28.682391+00:00     |
    | updated_at   | 2018-02-15T20:01:34.557959+00:00     |
  2. List the names of any other existing storage tiers.

    To create a new tier, you must assign a unique name.

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-tier-list ceph_cluster
    | uuid    | name    | status | backend_using                        |
    | acc8... | storage | in-use | 649830bf-b628-4170-b275-1f0b01cfc859 |
  3. Use the system storage-tier-add command to add a new tier.

    For example, to add a storage tier called gold:

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-tier-add ceph_cluster gold
    | Property     | Value                                |
    | uuid         | 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb |
    | name         | gold                                 |
    | type         | ceph                                 |
    | status       | defined                              |
    | backend_uuid | None                                 |
    | cluster_uuid | 5c48ed22-2a03-4b90-abc4-73757a594494 |
    | OSDs         | [0, 1]                               |
    | created_at   | 2018-02-19T21:36:59.302059+00:00     |
    | updated_at   | None                                 |
  4. Add a storage backend to provide access to the tier.

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-backend-add -n <name> -t <tier_uuid> ceph

    For example, to add a storage backend named gold-store using the new tier:

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-backend-add -n gold-store -t 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb ceph
    System configuration has changed.
    Please follow the administrator guide to complete configuring the system.
    | uuid      | name         | backend  | state      | task      | services | capabilities       |
    | 23e396f2- | shared_servi | external | configured | None      | glance   |                    |
    |           | ces          |          |            |           |          |                    |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    | 558e5573- | gold-store   | ceph     | configured | None      | None     | min_replication: 1 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          | replication:     2 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    | 5ccdf53a- | ceph-store   | ceph     | configured | provision | None     | min_replication: 1 |
    |           |              |          |            |-storage   |          | replication:     2 |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
    |           |              |          |            |           |          |                    |
  5. Enable the Cinder service on the new storage backend.


    The Cinder Service is ONLY applicable to the StarlingX OpenStack application.

    ~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-backend-modify gold-store
    | Property             | Value                                   |
    | backend              | ceph                                    |
    | name                 | gold-store                              |
    | state                | configuring                             |
    | task                 | {u'controller-1': 'applying-manifests', |
    |                      | u'controller-0': 'applying-manifests'}  |
    | services             | cinder                                  |
    | capabilities         | {u'min_replication': u'1',              |
    |                      | u'replication': u'2'}                   |
    | object_gateway       | False                                   |
    | ceph_total_space_gib | 0                                       |
    | object_pool_gib      | None                                    |
    | cinder_pool_gib      | 0                                       |
    | glance_pool_gib      | None                                    |
    | ephemeral_pool_gib   | None                                    |
    | tier_name            | gold                                    |
    | tier_uuid            | 220f17e2-8564-4f4d-8665-681f73d13dfb    |
    | created_at           | 2018-02-20T19:55:49.912568+00:00        |
    | updated_at           | 2018-02-20T20:14:57.476317+00:00        |


    During storage backend configuration, Openstack services may not be available for a short period of time. Proceed to the next step once the configuration is complete.


You must assign OSDs to the tier. For more information, see StarlingX Storage Configuration and Management: Provision Storage on a Storage Host.

To delete a tier that is not in use by a storage backend and does not have OSDs assigned to it, use the command:

~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-tier-delete
usage: system storage-tier-delete <cluster name or uuid> <storage tier name or uuid>

For example:

~(keystone)admin)$ system storage-tier-delete ceph_cluster 268c967b-207e-4641-bd5a-6c05cc8706ef

To use the tier for a container volume, include the --volume-type parameter when creating the Cinder volume, and supply the name of the cinder type. For example:

~(keystone)admin)$ cinder create --volume-type ceph-gold --name centos-guest 2
| ID      | Name      | Description | Is_Public |
| 77b2... | ceph-gold | -           | True      |
| df25... | ceph      | -           | True      |