Install PTP Notifications

PTP notification is packaged as an Armada system application and is managed using the system application and system-helm-override commands.

About this task

StarlingX provides the capability for application(s) to subscribe to asynchronous PTP status notifications and pull for the PTP state on demand.


  • The PTP port must be configured as Subordinate mode (Secondary mode). For more information, see,


Use the following steps to install the ptp-notification application.

  1. Label the controller(s).

    1. Source the platform environment.

      $ source /etc/platform/openrc
    2. Assign the PTP registration label to the controller(s).

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-label-assign controller-0 ptp-registration=true
      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-label-assign controller-1 ptp-registration=true
    3. Assign the PTP notification label to the node that is configured with a Secondary PTP port. For example:

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-label-assign controller-0 ptp-notification=true
  2. Upload the PTP application using the following command:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-upload /usr/local/share/applications/helm/ptp-notification-<n.n-nn>.tgz

    Where <n.n-nn> is the version of the .tgz file that you can download from the a StarlingX mirror relevant to your release.

  3. Verify the PTP application has been uploaded.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-list
  4. Apply the PTP notification application.

    $ system application-apply ptp-notification
  5. Monitor the status.

    $ watch –n 5 system application-list


    $ watch kubectl get pods –n notification

    The default configuration for PTP notification pod is:

    • PTP-notification pod:

      • Runs as a daemonset (1 pod per node with label ptp-notification=true)

    • Three containers:

      • ptp-notification-rabbitmq

      • ptp-notification-location

      • ptp-notification-ptptracking

    • Registration pod:

      • Runs as a deployment on nodes labeled with ptp-registration=true

      • Replica count of 1

      • One container: Rabbitmq