Extend Capacity with Worker Nodes¶
This section describes the steps to extend capacity with worker nodes on a StarlingX R3.0 bare metal All-in-one Duplex deployment configuration.
Install software on worker nodes¶
Power on the worker node servers and force them to network boot with the appropriate BIOS boot options for your particular server.
As the worker nodes boot, a message appears on their console instructing you to configure the personality of the node.
On the console of controller-0, list hosts to see newly discovered worker node hosts (hostname=None):
system host-list +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+ | id | hostname | personality | administrative | operational | availability | +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+ | 1 | controller-0 | controller | unlocked | enabled | available | | 2 | controller-0 | controller | unlocked | enabled | available | | 3 | None | None | locked | disabled | offline | | 4 | None | None | locked | disabled | offline | +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+
Using the host id, set the personality of this host to ‘worker’:
system host-update 3 personality=worker hostname=worker-0 system host-update 4 personality=worker hostname=worker-1
This initiates the install of software on worker nodes. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine.
Wait for the install of software on the worker nodes to complete, for the worker nodes to reboot, and for both to show as locked/disabled/online in ‘system host-list’.
system host-list +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+ | id | hostname | personality | administrative | operational | availability | +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+ | 1 | controller-0 | controller | unlocked | enabled | available | | 2 | controller-1 | controller | unlocked | enabled | available | | 3 | worker-0 | worker | locked | disabled | online | | 4 | worker-1 | worker | locked | disabled | online | +----+--------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+
Configure worker nodes¶
Assign the cluster-host network to the MGMT interface for the worker nodes:
(Note that the MGMT interfaces are partially set up automatically by the network install procedure.)
for NODE in worker-0 worker-1; do system interface-network-assign $NODE mgmt0 cluster-host done
Configure data interfaces for worker nodes. Use the DATA port names, for example eth0, that are applicable to your deployment environment.
This step is required for OpenStack.
This step is optional for Kubernetes: Do this step if using SRIOV network attachments in hosted application containers.
For Kubernetes SRIOV network attachments:
Configure SRIOV device plug in:
system host-label-assign controller-1 sriovdp=enabled
If planning on running DPDK in containers on this host, configure the number of 1G Huge pages required on both NUMA nodes:
system host-memory-modify controller-1 0 -1G 100 system host-memory-modify controller-1 1 -1G 100
For both Kubernetes and OpenStack:
DATA0IF=<DATA-0-PORT> DATA1IF=<DATA-1-PORT> PHYSNET0='physnet0' PHYSNET1='physnet1' SPL=/tmp/tmp-system-port-list SPIL=/tmp/tmp-system-host-if-list # configure the datanetworks in sysinv, prior to referencing it # in the ``system host-if-modify`` command'. system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET0} vlan system datanetwork-add ${PHYSNET1} vlan for NODE in worker-0 worker-1; do echo "Configuring interface for: $NODE" set -ex system host-port-list ${NODE} --nowrap > ${SPL} system host-if-list -a ${NODE} --nowrap > ${SPIL} DATA0PCIADDR=$(cat $SPL | grep $DATA0IF |awk '{print $8}') DATA1PCIADDR=$(cat $SPL | grep $DATA1IF |awk '{print $8}') DATA0PORTUUID=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $2}') DATA1PORTUUID=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA1PCIADDR} | awk '{print $2}') DATA0PORTNAME=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA0PCIADDR} | awk '{print $4}') DATA1PORTNAME=$(cat $SPL | grep ${DATA1PCIADDR} | awk '{print $4}') DATA0IFUUID=$(cat $SPIL | awk -v DATA0PORTNAME=$DATA0PORTNAME '($12 ~ DATA0PORTNAME) {print $2}') DATA1IFUUID=$(cat $SPIL | awk -v DATA1PORTNAME=$DATA1PORTNAME '($12 ~ DATA1PORTNAME) {print $2}') system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data0 -c data ${NODE} ${DATA0IFUUID} system host-if-modify -m 1500 -n data1 -c data ${NODE} ${DATA1IFUUID} system interface-datanetwork-assign ${NODE} ${DATA0IFUUID} ${PHYSNET0} system interface-datanetwork-assign ${NODE} ${DATA1IFUUID} ${PHYSNET1} set +ex done
OpenStack-specific host configuration¶
This step is required only if the StarlingX OpenStack application (stx-openstack) will be installed.
For OpenStack only: Assign OpenStack host labels to the worker nodes in support of installing the stx-openstack manifest and helm-charts later.
for NODE in worker-0 worker-1; do system host-label-assign $NODE openstack-compute-node=enabled system host-label-assign $NODE openvswitch=enabled system host-label-assign $NODE sriov=enabled done
For OpenStack only: Setup disk partition for nova-local volume group, needed for stx-openstack nova ephemeral disks.
for NODE in worker-0 worker-1; do echo "Configuring Nova local for: $NODE" ROOT_DISK=$(system host-show ${NODE} | grep rootfs | awk '{print $4}') ROOT_DISK_UUID=$(system host-disk-list ${NODE} --nowrap | grep ${ROOT_DISK} | awk '{print $2}') PARTITION_SIZE=10 NOVA_PARTITION=$(system host-disk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol ${NODE} ${ROOT_DISK_UUID} ${PARTITION_SIZE}) NOVA_PARTITION_UUID=$(echo ${NOVA_PARTITION} | grep -ow "| uuid | [a-z0-9\-]* |" | awk '{print $4}') system host-lvg-add ${NODE} nova-local system host-pv-add ${NODE} nova-local ${NOVA_PARTITION_UUID} done
Unlock worker nodes¶
Unlock worker nodes in order to bring them into service:
for NODE in worker-0 worker-1; do
system host-unlock $NODE
The worker nodes will reboot to apply configuration changes and come into service. This can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the performance of the host machine.