Adjust the Boot Timeout Interval

You can adjust how long the controller waits for a host to boot before it moves the host into the Failed state.

For more information about host states, see The Life Cycle of a Host.


  1. To view the current settings, use the system service-parameter-list command.

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-list --service platform
    | uuid    | service  | section       | name                        | value |
    | 6d60... | platform | maintenance   | worker_boot_timeout         | 720   |
    | bd04... | platform | maintenance   | controller_boot_timeout     | 1200  |
    | c3a9... | platform | maintenance   | heartbeat_degrade_threshold | 6     |
    | 9089... | platform | maintenance   | heartbeat_failure_action    | fail  |
    | 8df8... | platform | maintenance   | heartbeat_failure_threshold | 10    |
    | 16b5... | platform | maintenance   | heartbeat_period            | 100   |
    | 4712... | platform | maintenance   | mnfa_threshold              | 2     |
    | 4ba7... | platform | maintenance   | mnfa_timeout                | 0     |
  2. Use the system service-parameter-modify command to specify the new timeout value.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-modify platform maintenance \timeout_parm=<timeout_value>

    The following service parameters control the boot timeout interval.


    The time in seconds to allow for a worker or storage host to boot (720–1800 seconds). The default value is 720 seconds (12 minutes).


    This parameter also applies to storage nodes.


    The time in seconds to allow for a controller host to boot (1200-1800 seconds). The default value is 1200 seconds (20 minutes).

    For example, to change the boot timeout for the worker and storage hosts to 840 seconds:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-modify platform maintenance \worker_boot_timeout=840
    | Property | Value                                |
    | uuid     | ca82767b-4575-407a-8fc5-ea5ac20f3c21 |
    | service  | platform                             |
    | section  | maintenance                          |
    | name     | worker _boot_timeout                 |
    | value    | 840                                  |
  3. Apply the service parameter change.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-apply platform
    Applying platform service parameters