Manual Host Software Deployment

StarlingX software management enables you to upversion the StarlingX software to a new patch release or a new major release using a manual procedure of step-by-step host-by-host commands.


During an upgrade from StarlingX Release r9 to StarlingX Release r10, the FEC operator stays in a CrashLoopBack state during reboot, unlock, and restore. Therefore, before the upgrade, remove the script, otherwise, the FEC Operator application will stay in the CrashLoopBack state. To remove the script, use the following command:

~(keystone_admin)]$ -r


This section is applicable to users that DO NOT use the dcmanager software deploy orchestration strategy to manage upgrades across subclouds.

About this task

This procedure describes upversioning to either a new patch release (in-service or reboot-required) or a new major release.


Upversioning can also be performed to a new major release that has been pre-patched with the current patches for the major release. This is packaged and delivered as a pre-patched major release ISO. All the comments in this section that are specific to a major release also apply to a pre-patched major release.

This procedure covers all standalone configurations: AIO-SX, AIO-DX and standard configuration.


For a major release software deployment or patched release deployment, the following procedure can be aborted and rolled back at any time between the software deploy start and software deploy delete. For procedure on rolling back, see Manual Rollback Host Software Deployment.


  • A recent full backup is available. It is not explicitly required for software deployment, however, it is a good practice to have a recent full backup available prior to performing major changes to the system.

  • Highly recommended to not have any active alarms on the system, otherwise upgrades will not proceed.

  • If you are using a private container image registry for installs/updates/upgrades,

    • The private registry must be populated with any new container images required for the new software release.

    • The list of container images required by the new software release can be found in your software distribution site.

  • For a new major release software deployment only,

    • All hosts are unlocked and enabled/available.

    • The system should be patch current, that is, all the available patch releases for the current major release should be deployed.

  • The platform issuer (system-local-ca) must be configured with an RSA certificate/private key. If system-local-ca was configured with a different type of certificate/private key, use the Update system-local-ca or Migrate Platform Certificates to use Cert Manager procedure to reconfigure it with the RSA certificate/private key.


  1. For a duplex (dual controller) system, switch the activity from controller-1 such that controller-0 becomes active.


    This step is not required for an AIO-SX system.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-swact controller-1

    Wait for the activity to switch to controller-0. This may take up to a minute depending on the hardware.

    Reconnect to the system.

  2. Transfer the new software release files to the active controller-0.

    • For major release, it includes major release install ISO, software signature file, and license file.

    • For patch release, it includes the patch release .patch archive file.

  3. For major release only, install the license file for the release you are upgrading to.


    This step is not required for a patch release deployment.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system license-install <new-release-license-file>
  4. Upload the new software release into the system.

    1. For major release

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ software upload [ --local ] <new-release>.iso <new-release>.sig
      <new-release-id> is now uploaded
      | Uploaded File                 | Release           |
      | <new-release>.iso             | <new-release-id>  |

      where --local can be used when running this command in an SSH session on the active controller to optimize performance. With this option, the system will read files directly from the local disk rather than transferring files over REST APIs backing the CLI. When using the --local option, the ‘<new-release>.iso’ and the <new-release>.sig arguments MUST be a full path name.

      This command may take 5-10 mins depending on the hardware.

    2. For patch release

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ software upload <filename>.patch
      <release-id> is now uploaded
      | Uploaded File                 | Release           |
      | <new-release>.patch           | <new-release-id>  |
    3. Ensure that the new software release was successfully uploaded.

      ~(keystone_admin)]$ software list
      | Release                  | RR    |   State   |
      | starlingx-10.0.0         | True  | deployed  |
      | <new-release-id>         | True  | available |
  5. Run software deployment prechecks and confirm that the system is healthy.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy precheck [ -f ] <new-release-id>
    System Health:
    All hosts are provisioned: [OK]
    All hosts are unlocked/enabled: [OK]
    All hosts have current configurations: [OK]
    All hosts are patch current: [OK]
    Ceph Storage Healthy: [OK]
    No alarms: [OK]
    All kubernetes nodes are ready: [OK]
    All kubernetes control plane pods are ready: [OK]
    All PodSecurityPolicies are removed: [OK]
    All kubernetes applications are in a valid state: [OK]
    Installed license is valid: [OK]
    Required patches are applied: [OK]

    Resolve any checks that are not ok and re-run the software deploy precheck command. Use the -f option to ignore non-management affecting alarms.


    The failed prechecks must be cleared before software deployment is allowed to proceed.

  6. Start the software deployment procedure.


    The software deploy start command will automatically run the prechecks of previous steps if the prechecks have not been run or have not passed.

    By default, the software deployment procedure cannot be started unless prechecks pass.


    The failed prechecks must be cleared before software deployment is allowed to proceed.


    Configuration cannot be changed during the software deployment process.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy start [ -f ] <new-release-id>
    Deployment for <new-release-id> started

    Then, monitor the progress of software deploy start using the following commands:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
    | From Release | To Release       |  RR  | State         |
    | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-start  |
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
    | From Release | To Release       |  RR  |    State          |
    | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-start-done |

    The software deploy start command may take 5-10 mins to reach the deploy-start-done state depending on hardware.


    If software deploy start fails, that is, if the state is deploy-start-failed, review /var/log/software.log on the active controller for failure details, address the issues, and run the software deploy delete command to delete the deploy and re-execute the software deploy start command.

  7. Deploy the new software release to all hosts.

    • For an AIO-SX system

      1. Deploy the new software release to controller-0.

        1. Only if the software deployment is RR=True (reboot required), lock controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-0
        2. Deploy the new software release to controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host controller-0
          Host installation request sent to controller-0.
          Host installation was successful on controller-0.

          After this command completes:

          • If RR=TRUE, the host is still running the old software release, however boot parameters have been updated to boot into the new software release on the next host reboot, which will occur in the next step which unlocks the host.

          • If RR=FALSE, the host is running the new software release.

        3. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, unlock controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-0

          The host will now reboot into the new software release. Wait for the host to finish rebooting and become enabled. This may take 3-5 mins depending on hardware.

      2. Proceed to step Activate the software deployment (software deploy activate) of the main procedure.

    • For an AIO-DX system or standard system

      1. Deploy the new software release to controller-1 (standby controller).

        1. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, lock controller-1.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-1
        2. Deploy the new software release to controller-1.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host controller-1
          Host installation request sent to controller-1.
          Host installation was successful on controller-1.

          After this command completes:

          • If RR=TRUE, the host is still running the old software release, however boot parameters have been updated to boot into the new software release on the next host reboot, which will occur in the next step which unlocks the host.

          • If RR=FALSE, the host is running the new software release.

        3. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, unlock controller-1.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-1

          The host will now reboot into the new software release. Wait for the host to finish rebooting and become enabled.

          This may take 3-5 mins depending on hardware.

        4. Display state of software deployment.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
          | From Release | To Release       |  RR  | State       |
          | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-host |
          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host-list
          | Host         | From Release | To Release        |  RR   |  State               |
          | controller-0 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | controller-1 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
          | storage-0    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | storage-1    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | worker-0     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | worker-1     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
      2. Switch the activity from controller-0 such that controller-1 becomes active.

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-swact controller-0

        Wait for the activity to switch to controller-1.

        This may take up to a minute depending on hardware.

        Reconnect to system.

      3. Deploy the new software release to controller-0 (now the standby controller).

        1. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, lock controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock controller-0
        2. Deploy the new software release to controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host controller-0
          Host installation request sent to controller-0.
          Host installation was successful on controller-0.

          After this command completes:

          • If RR=TRUE, the host is still running the old software release, however boot parameters have been updated to boot into the new software release on the next host reboot, which will occur in the next step which unlocks the host.

          • If RR=FALSE, the host is running the new software release.

        3. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, unlock controller-0.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock controller-0

          The host will now reboot into the new software release. Wait for the host to finish rebooting and become enabled.

          This may take 3-5 mins depending on hardware.

        4. Display state of software deployment.

          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
          | From Release | To Release       |  RR  | State       |
          | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-host |
          ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host-list
          | Host         | From Release | To Release        |  RR   |  State               |
          | controller-0 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
          | controller-1 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
          | storage-0    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | storage-1    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | worker-0     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
          | worker-1     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
      4. Check the system health to ensure that there are no unexpected alarms.

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ fm alarm-list

        Clear all the alarms unrelated to the upgrade process.

      5. If storage hosts are present, deploy the new software release to the storage hosts one at a time.

        1. Deploy the new software release to storage-0.

          1. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, lock storage-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock storage-0
          2. Deploy the new software release to storage-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host storage-0
            Host installation request sent to storage-0.
            Host installation was successful on storage-0.

            After this command completes:

            • If RR=TRUE, the host is still running the old software release, however boot parameters have been updated to boot into the new software release on the next host reboot, which will occur in the next step which unlocks the host.

            • If RR=FALSE, the host is running the new software release.

          3. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, unlock storage-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock storage-0

            The host will now reboot into the new software release. Wait for the host to finish rebooting and become enabled. Wait for all the alarms to clear after the unlock before proceeding to the next storage host.

            This may take 3-5 mins depending on hardware.

          4. Display state of software deployment.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
            | From Release | To Release       |  RR  | State        |
            | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-host  |
            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host-list
            | Host         | From Release | To Release        |  RR   |  State               |
            | controller-0 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | controller-1 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | storage-0    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | storage-1    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
            | worker-0     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
            | worker-1     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
        2. Repeat the above steps for each storage host.


          After upgrading the first storage host, you can expect alarm 800.003. The alarm is cleared after all the storage hosts are upgraded.

      6. If worker hosts are present, deploy the new software release to worker hosts one at a time.

        1. Deploy the new software release to worker-0.

          1. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, lock worker-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lock worker-0
          2. Deploy the new software release to worker-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host worker-0
            Host installation request sent to worker-0.
            Host installation was successful on worker-0.

            After this command completes:

            • If RR=TRUE, the host is still running the old software release, however boot parameters have been updated to boot into the new software release on the next host reboot, which will occur in the next step which unlocks the host.

            • If RR=FALSE, the host is running the new software release.

          3. Only if the software deployment is RR=True, unlock worker-0.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-unlock worker-0

            The host will now reboot into the new software release. Wait for the host to finish rebooting and become enabled. Wait for all the alarms to clear after the unlock before proceeding to the next worker host.

            This may take 3-5 mins depending on hardware.

          4. Display state of software deployment.

            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
            | From Release | To Release       |  RR  | State        |
            | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-host  |
            ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy host-list
            | Host         | From Release | To Release        |  RR   |  State               |
            | controller-0 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | controller-1 | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | storage-0    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | storage-1    | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | worker-0     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-deployed |
            | worker-1     | 10.0.0       |  <new-release-id> | True  | deploy-host-pending  |
        2. Repeat the above steps for each worker host.

      7. Switch the activity from controller-1 such that controller-0 becomes active.

        ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-swact controller-1

        Wait for the activity to switch to controller-0.

        This may take up to a minute depending on hardware.

        Reconnect to system.

  8. Activate the software deployment.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy activate
    Deploy activate has started

    When running the software deploy activate command, new configurations are applied to the controller. The 250.001 (Configuration is out-of-date) alarms are raised and are cleared as the configurations are applied.

    The software deployment state goes from deploy-activate to deploy-activate-done once deployment is activated. For a major release software deployment, this may take up to 15-30 mins to complete depending on system configuration and hardware.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
    | From Release | To Release       |  RR  |    State            |
    | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-activate-done|


    If software deploy activate fails, that is, if the state is deploy-activate-failed, review /var/log/software.log on the active controller for failure details, address the issues, and re-execute the software deploy activate command.

  9. Complete the software deployment.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy complete
    Deployment has been completed
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
    | From Release | To Release       |  RR  |    State          |
    | 10.0.0       | <new-release-id> | True | deploy-completed  |


    After this command is executed, you can run the Kubernetes version upgrade procedure, if desired to upversion to new Kubernetes versions available in the new software release.

  10. Delete the software deployment.


    For a major release deployment, after this command is executed, the major release software deployment cannot be rolled back.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy delete
    Deployment has been deleted
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software deploy show
    No deploy in progress


After the deploy delete, if there are previous release entries in the unavailable state, the alarm 900.024 Obsolete release in system is raised.


  1. Delete the old major release.


    If it is a System Controller, the deployment should not be deleted until the subclouds are up-to-date.

    In the case of software deployment of a new major release, you should remove the old major release to reclaim disk space.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software list
    | Release                  | RR    |   State     |
    | starlingx-10.0.0         | True  | unavailable |
    | <new-major-release-id>   | True  | deployed    |
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software delete starlingx-10.0.0
    starlingx-10.0.0 has been deleted.
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ software list
    | Release                  | RR    |   State     |
    | <new-major-release-id>   | True  | deployed    |