Portieris ClusterImagePolicy and ImagePolicy Configuration

Portieris supports cluster-wide and namespace-specific image policies.


You can define Portieris’ behavior in a namespace using an ImagePolicy. In namespaces where ImagePolicies exist, they are used exclusively. If they do not contain a match for the workload image being launched, then ClusterImagePolicies are not referenced. For deployed workloads, images are wildcard-matched against defined policies. If a policy matching the workload image is not found then deployment is denied. If there are multiple matches the most specific match is used.


You configure a ClusterImagePolicies at the cluster level. It will be used if no ImagePolicy resource is defined in the namespace in which the workload will be deployed. These resources have the same structure as namespace ImagePolicies. Again, for deployed workloads, images are wildcard-matched against defined policies and deployment will be denied if no matching policy is found for an image. If there are multiple matches the most specific match is used.

Trust Policies

You can specify a [Cluster]ImagePolicy to allow any image from a trusted repository(s) or only allow images with trust data from a repository in a registry+notary server

  • This example allows any image from a trusted icr.io registry; i.e. an empty policy:

    apiVersion: portieris.cloud.ibm.com/v1
    kind: ImagePolicy
      name: allow-all-icrio
        - name: "icr.io/*"
  • This example allows only images with valid trust data (policy.trust.enabled=true) from the icr.io registry + notary (policy.trust.trustServer) server.

    apiVersion: portieris.cloud.ibm.com/v1
    kind: ImagePolicy
      name: allow-custom
        - name: "icr.io/*"
              enabled: true
              trustServer: "https://icr.io:4443"

For additional details about policies, see https://github.com/IBM/portieris/blob/master/POLICIES.md.