Increase the Size for LVM Local Volumes on Controller FilesystemsΒΆ

Controller filesystems are allocated as LVM local volumes inside the cgts-vg volume group. You can increase controller filesystem storage inside the cgts-vg volume group by using the CLI, or the Horizon Web interface.

About this task

To provision filesystem storage, enough free disk space has to be available in this volume group. You can increase available space for provisioning by creating a partition and assigning it to cgts-vg volume group. This partition can be created on the root disk or on a different disk of your choice. In StarlingX, Simplex or Duplex systems that use a dedicated disk for nova-local, some root disk space reserved for nova-local is unused. You can recover this space for use by the cgts-vg volume group to allow for controller filesystem expansion.

For convenience, this operation is permitted on an unlocked controller.


Using more than one disk during setup for cgts-vg, may increase disk failures. In case any of the disks in the cgts-vg volume group fails, the disk has to be replaced and the node has to be reinstalled. It is strongly recommended to limit cgts-vg to the root disk.


The partition should be the same size on both controllers, otherwise only the smallest common denominator size can be provisioned from cgts-vg.


Once the cgts-vg partition is added, it cannot be removed.

The following example is used for provisioning cgts-vg on a root disk. The default rootfs device is /dev/sda.


  1. Check the free space on the rootfs, by using the following command:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-list 1
  2. Create a new partition on rootfs, for example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-partition-add -t lvm_phys_vol controller-0 /dev/sda 22
     | Property      |     Value                                      |
     | device_path   |/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-1.0-part7|
     | device_node   | /dev/sda7                                      |
     | type_guid     | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001           |
     | type_name     | None                                           |
     | start_mib     | None                                           |
     | end_mib       | None                                           |
     | size_mib      | 22528                                          |
     | uuid          | 994d7efb-6ac1-4414-b4ef-ae3335dd73c7           |
     | ihost_uuid    | 75ea78b6-62f0-4821-b713-2618f0d5f834           |
     | idisk_uuid    | 685bee31-45de-4951-a35c-9159bd7d1295           |
     | ipv_uuid      | None                                           |
     | status        | Creating                                       |
     | created_at    | 2020-07-30T21:29:04.014193+00:00               |
     | updated_at    | None                                           |
  3. Check the disk space on the new partition, once it is created.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-disk-partition-list 1
     uuid    device_path         device_node type_guid  type_name    size_gib status
     69b1b.. /dev/disk/by-path/.. /dev/sda6  ba5eba11.. LVM Phy.Vol..  22.0  Ready
  4. Assign the unused partition on controller-0 as a physical volume to cgts-vg volume group.

    For example

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-pv-add controller-0 cgts-vg 69b1bb35-7326-4bcc-94d7-bef72f064f46
    |    Property               | Value                                 |
    | uuid                      | 626c450f-4472-485c-bae7-791768630e1e  |
    | pv_state                  | adding                                |
    | pv_type                   | partition                             |
    | disk_or_part_uuid         | 69b1bb35-7326-4bcc-94d7-bef72f064f46  |
    | disk_or_part_device_node  | /dev/sda6                             |
    | disk_or_part_device_path  | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:18:00.     |
    |                           | 0-scsi-0:2:0:0-part6                  |
    | lvm_pv_name               | /dev/sda6                             |
    | lvm_vg_name               | cgts-vg                               |
    | lvm_pv_uuid               | None                                  |
    | lvm_pv_size_gib           | 0.0                                   |
    | lvm_pe_total              | 0                                     |
    | lvm_pe_alloced            | 0                                     |
    | ihost_uuid                | e579a4af-108b-4dc9-9975-0aa089d530d7  |
    | created_at                | 2020-12-09T17:22:19.666250+00:00      |
    | updated_at                | None                                  |
  5. To assign the unused partition on controller-1 as a physical volume to cgts-vg volume group, swact the hosts and repeat the procedure on controller-1.


After increasing the cgts-vg volume size, you can provision the filesystem storage. For more information about increasing filesystem allotments using the CLI, or the Horizon Web interface, see: