Enable HTTPS Access for StarlingX REST and Web Server EndpointsΒΆ

When secure HTTPS connectivity is enabled, HTTP is disabled.

About this task


When you change from HTTP to HTTPS, or from HTTPS to HTTP:

  • Remote CLI users must re-source the StarlingX rc file.

  • Public endpoints are changed to HTTP or HTTPS, depending on which is enabled.

  • You must change the port portion of the Horizon Web interface URL.

    For HTTP, use http:<oam-floating-ip-address>:8080

    For HTTPS, use https:<oam-floating-ip-address>:8443

  • You must logout and re-login into Horizon for the HTTPS Access changes to be displayed accurately in Horizon.


  • To enable HTTPS for StarlingX REST and Web Server endpoints:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system modify --https_enabled true
  • To disable HTTPS for StarlingX REST and Web Server endpoints:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system modify --https_enabled false
  • Use the following command to display HTTPS settings:

    [sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system show
    | Property             | Value                                |
    | contact              | None                                 |
    | created_at           | 2020-02-27T15:47:23.102735+00:00     |
    | description          | None                                 |
    | https_enabled        | False                                |
    | location             | None                                 |
    | name                 | 468f57ef-34c1-4e00-bba0-fa1b3f134b2b |
    | region_name          | RegionOne                            |
    | sdn_enabled          | False                                |
    | security_feature     | spectre_meltdown_v1                  |
    | service_project_name | services                             |
    | software_version     | nn.nn                                |
    | system_mode          | duplex                               |
    | system_type          | Standard                             |
    | timezone             | Canada/Eastern                       |
    | updated_at           | 2020-02-28T10:56:24.297774+00:00     |
    | uuid                 | c0e35924-e139-4dfc-945d-47f9a663d710 |
    | vswitch_type         | none                                 |