Provision SR-IOV VF Interfaces using the CLI

An SR-IOV VF interface can be provisioned for a single SR-IOV interface to support multiple VF drivers.

For example, you can provision a single SR-IOV interface to support both netdevice, and vfio based containers. In this case, a VF interface can be created to provision a subset of virtual functions from the parent SR-IOV interface that can be bound to a different driver.

For information about creating and using network attachments, see StarlingX User Tasks: Create Network Attachment Definitions StarlingX User Tasks: Use Network Attachment Definitions in a Container.


You must create data networks before you can provision the SR-IOV interfaces.

You must create an SR-IOV interface before you can provision a VF interface. For more information, see Provision SR-IOV Interfaces using the CLI.


  1. Lock the host to which you will assign a VF interface.

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-lock compute-0


    AIO-SX hosts do not need to be locked to provision an SR-IOV interface and assign it to a data network.

  2. Identify the parent SR-IOV interface to be configured.

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-list compute-0
    | uuid | name     | class    |   | ports         |   | datanetworks      |
    | 68...| ens787f3 | None     |   | [u'ens787f3'] |   | []                |
    | 79...| data0    | data     |   | [u'ens787f0'] |   | [u'group0-data0'] |
    | 78...| cluster0 | platform |   | []            |   | []                |
    | 89...| ens513f3 | None     |   | [u'ens513f3'] |   | []                |
    | 97...| ens803f1 | None     |   | [u'ens803f1'] |   | []                |
    | d6...| pxeboot0 | platform |   | [u'eno2']     |   | []                |
    | d6...| mgmt0    | platform |   | []            |   | []                |
    | d7...| sriov1   | pci-sriov|   | [u'ens787f3'] |   | [u'group0-data0'] |
  3. Use the system host-if-add, and interface-datanetwork-assign commands to configure the SR-IOV VF interface.

    For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-add -c pci-sriov <hostname> <interfacename> vf <parentinterfacename> -N <numvfs> --vf-driver=<drivername>
    ~(keystone_admin)$ system interface-datanetwork-assign <hostname> <interfacename> <networks>

    where the following options are available:


    This is the host name or ID of the compute (worker) node.


    The name for the VF interface.


    The name of the parent SR-IOV interface.


    The number of virtual functions to enable on the device. This must be less than the number of VFs configured on the parent SR-IOV interface.


    An optional virtual function driver to use. Valid choices are VFIO and ‘netdevice’. The default value is netdevice, which will cause SR-IOV virtual function interfaces to appear as kernel network devices’ in the container. A value of ‘vfio’ will cause the device to be bound to the vfio-pci driver. VFIO based devices will not appear as kernel network interfaces, but may be used by DPDK based applications.


    • If the driver for the VF interface and parent SR-IOV interface differ, a separate data network should be created for each interface.


    A list of data networks that are attached to the interface, delimited by quotes and separated by commas; for example, “data-net-a,data-net-b”. To specify a single data network, omit the quotes.

    For example, to create VF interface sriov2 as a subinterface of pci-sriov interface sriov1 with 8 virtual functions bound to vfio and attached data network datanet-b, do the following:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-add -c pci-sriov compute-0 sriov2 vf sriov1 -N 8 --vf-driver=vfio
    | Property        | Value                                |
    | ifname          | sriov2                               |
    | iftype          | vf                                   |
    | ports           | []                                   |
    | imac            | 68:05:ca:3a:2d:88                    |
    | imtu            | 1500                                 |
    | ifclass         | pci-sriov                            |
    | aemode          | None                                 |
    | schedpolicy     | None                                 |
    | txhashpolicy    | None                                 |
    | uuid            | 8b65ff1a-3472-43ed-bfd4-c9a499c23093 |
    | ihost_uuid      | 9491c54a-903d-4765-8b9b-bdfd754b796a |
    | vlan_id         | None                                 |
    | uses            | [u'sriov1']                          |
    | used_by         | []                                   |
    | created_at      | 2019-12-03T18:27:27.152940+00:00     |
    | updated_at      | None                                 |
    | sriov_numvfs    | 8                                    |
    | sriov_vf_driver | vfio                                 |
    ~(keystone_admin)$ system interface-datanetwork-assign compute-0 sriov2 datanet-b
  4. Unlock the host.


    AIO-SX hosts do not need to be locked to provision an SR-IOV interface and assign it to a data network.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-unlock compute-0


    AIO-SX hosts do not need to be locked to provision an SR-IOV interface and assign it to a data network.