Configure Multi-Node Failure Avoidance

Multi-Node Failure Avoidance detects simultaneous in-service maintenance heartbeat failures of more than one host, and gracefully recovers the hosts once the heartbeat is re-established.

You can configure multi-node failure avoidance for recovery of failing hosts, mnfa_threshold (default is 2, range is specified from 2 to 100), and the number of seconds the heartbeat can fail in this group of hosts, mnfa_timeout (default is no-timeout, value of 0, or from 100 to 86400 secs=1 day), before the hosts are declared failed, or are required to be forced to reboot/reset. If the value is set outside the range, a warning is displayed.

Multi-Node Failure Avoidance is based on four or more back to back heartbeat pulse misses for a mnfa_threshold or higher number of hosts within a full heartbeat loss window. For example, given the default heartbeat period of 100 msec and the heartbeat_failure_threshold of 10; if maintenance sees mnfa_threshold or more hosts missing four or more back to back heartbeat responses within one second ( 100 msec times 10 ), then Multi-Node Failure Avoidance is activated for those hosts. Any additional hosts failing heartbeat while MNFA is active are added to the MNFA pool.

In Horizon, MNFA displays heartbeat failing hosts in the unlocked-enabled-degraded state, and displays a status of “Graceful Recovery Wait” while maintenance waits for heartbeat to that host to recover. This degraded state and host status is true only for the fail and degrade heartbeat_failure_action selections. For information on viewing heartbeat-failing hosts from Horizon, see Hosts Tab.

Hosts whose heartbeat recovers, after ten back to back heartbeat responses, are removed from the MNFA pool with state and status returned to what it was prior to the event. Once the MNFA pool size drops below mnfa_threshold, then the remaining hosts have 6 seconds (100 msec times 10 plus 5 second grace period) to recover before the selected heartbeat_failure_action is taken against the hosts. With the mnfa_threshold of two that would only be one host (or for 3 that could be 2). If late recovering hosts recover, and if their uptime shows that they had rebooted, then they are tested and brought back into service like the others. Otherwise they are fully re-enabled through reboot/reset.

In MNFA recovery, where the heartbeat_failure_action is fail and the hosts do not reboot during the loss of heartbeat. It is possible that maintenance will force a reboot of the mnfa_threshold-1 late recovering hosts upon eventual recovery, as at that point they are treated as individual heartbeat failures.


  1. Use the system service-parameter-modify command to specify the new mnfa_threshold and mnfa_timeout setting. Changing this to an invalid value, results in a semantic check error similar to the following:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-modify platform maintenance mnfa_threshold=<1>
    Parameter 'mnfa_threshold' must be between 2 and 100

    The mnfa_timeout accepts a value of 0 indicating no-timeout or from 100 to 86400 secs (1 day). For example:

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-modify platform maintenance mnfa_timeout=<20>
    Parameter 'mnfa_timeout' must be zero or between 100 and 86400

    Customer logs are created. The customer logs record from and to changes in the log text. For example:

  2. Apply the service parameter change.

    ~(keystone_admin)$ system service-parameter-apply platform
    Applying platform service parameters


    Multi-Node Failure Avoidance is never activated as it does not apply if the heartbeat_failure_action is set to alarm or none.

    For more information, see Configure Heartbeat Failure Action.