Delete Hosts Using the Command LineΒΆ

You can delete hosts from the system inventory using the host-delete command.


  1. Check for alarms related to the host.

    Use the fm alarm-list command to check for any alarms (major or critical events). You can also type fm event-list to see a log of events. For more information on alarms, see Fault Management Overview.

  2. Lock the host that will be deleted.

    Use the system host-lock command. Only locked hosts can be deleted.

  3. Delete the host from the system inventory.

    Use the command system host-delete. This command accepts one parameter: the hostname or ID. Make sure that the remaining hosts have sufficient capacity and workload to account for the deleted host.

  4. Verify that the host has been deleted successfully.

    Use the fm alarm-list command to check for any alarms (major or critical events). You can also type fm event-list to see a log of events. For more information on alarms, see Fault Management Overview.