Add Configuration rpc_response_max_timeout in neutron.conf

You can add the rpc_response_max_timeout to neutron.conf using Helm overrides.

About this task

Maximum rpc timeout is now configurable by rpc_response_max_timeout from Neutron config instead of being calculated as 10 * rpc_response_timeout.

This configuration can be used to change the maximum rpc timeout. If maximum rpc timeout is too big, some requests which should fail will be held for a long time before the server returns failure. If this value is too small and the server is very busy, the requests may need more time than maximum rpc timeout and the requests will fail though they can succeed with a bigger maximum rpc timeout.


  1. create a yaml file to add configuration rpc_response_max_timeout in neutron.conf.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ cat > neutron-overrides.yaml <<EOF
         rpc_response_max_timeout: 600
  2. Update the neutron overrides and apply to stx-openstack.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system helm-override-update stx-openstack neutron openstack --values neutron-overrides.yaml
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-apply stx-openstack
  3. Verify that configuration rpc_response_max_time has been added in neutron.conf.

    $ kubectl get pod -n openstack | grep neutron
    $ kubectl get pod -n openstack | grep neutron-server
    $ kubectl exec <neutron-server-id> -n openstack – cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | grep rpc_response_max_timeout
    rpc_response_max_timeout = 600
    $ cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | grep rpc_response_max_timeout