Use Local CLIsΒΆ

StarlingX OpenStack administration and other tasks can be carried out from the command line interface (CLI)

About this task


For security reasons, only administrative users should have SSH privileges.

The Local CLI can be accessed via the local console on the active controller or via SSH to the active controller. This procedure illustrates how to set the context of CLI commands to openstack and access openstack admin privileges.


  1. Login into the local console of the active controller or login via SSH to the OAM Floating IP.

  2. Setup admin credentials for the containerized openstack application.

    # source /etc/platform/openrc
    # OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone.openstack.svc.cluster.local/v3


OpenStack CLI commands for the StarlingX OpenStack Cloud Application are now available via the openstack command.

For example:

~(keystone_admin)$ openstack flavor list
| ID              | Name             |  RAM | Disk | Eph.| VCPUs | Is Public |
| 054531c5-e74e.. | squid            | 2000 |   20 |  0  |   2   | True      |
| 2fa29257-8842.. | medium.2c.1G.2G  | 1024 |    2 |  0  |   2   | True      |
| 4151fb10-f5a6.. | large.4c.2G.4G   | 2048 |    4 |  0  |   4   | True      |
| 78b75c6d-93ca.. | small.1c.500M.1G |  512 |    1 |  0  |   1   | True      |
| 8b9971df-6d83.. | vanilla          |    1 |    1 |  0  |   1   | True      |
| e94c8123-2602.. | xlarge.8c.4G.8G  | 4096 |    8 |  0  |   8   | True      |

~(keystone_admin)$ openstack image list
| ID             | Name                                   | Status |
| 92300917-49ab..| Fedora-Cloud-Base-30-1.2.x86_64.qcow2  | active |
| 15aaf0de-b369..| opensquidbox.amd64.1.06a.iso           | active |
| eeda4642-db83..| xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img | active |