Kubernetes Certificates

For Kubernetes, HTTPS is always enabled for both internal and external endpoints.

Kubernetes automatically creates all of its client and server certificates, and signs them with a Kubernetes Root CA. This includes the server certificate for the external kube-apiserver API endpoint. By default, the Kubernetes Root CA is automatically generated at install time.

If desired, you can externally generate a Root CA certificate and key, and configure it as the Kubernetes Root CA during installation. Upstream Kubernetes (v1.18) only supports a Root CA for the Kubernetes Root CA; NOT an Intermediate CA.

The public certificate of the Kubernetes Root CA, whether auto-generated or specified, needs to be configured as a trusted CA by external servers connecting to StarlingX’s Kubernetes API endpoint (e.g. via a remotely installed kubectl client).


Some platform services (sysinv, cert-mon and VIM for example) also use X509 certificates to access Kubernetes by HTTPS.

It is optional that you update the Kubernetes Root CA with a custom Root CA certificate and key, generated by yourself, and trusted by your external servers connecting to StarlingX’s Kubernetes API endpoint. The StarlingX’s Kubernetes Root CA certificate and key are configured as part of the bootstrap during installation.


You must use a Root CA certificate; Intermediate CA certificates are not supported by upstream Kubernetes.

Kubernetes certificates include:

  • Kubernetes Root CA Certificate

  • Cluster admin client certificate used by kubectl

  • kube-controller-manager client certificate

  • kube-scheduler client certificate

  • kube-apiserver server certificate

  • kube-apiserver’s kubelet client certificate

  • kubelet client certificate

Kubernetes Root CA Certificate

The Kubernetes Root CA certificate signs all the other Kubernetes certificates. This is also the CA certificate various components use to verify server and client certificates signed by the Kubernetes Root CA certificate. For example, applications running in pods use Kubernetes Root CA certificate embedded in service account token to verify the kube-apiserver’s server certificate when it makes calls to the kube-apiserver.

Kubernetes Root CA certificate and corresponding private key are stored in file system:

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key


Kubernetes Root CA certificate is also embedded in various configuration files and service account token.

Cluster admin client certificate used by kubectl

This is the client certificate signed by Kubernetes Root CA and embedded in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf. It is used by kubectl command to identify itself to the kube-apiserver.

kube-controller-manager client certificate

This is the client certificate signed by Kubernetes Root CA and embedded in /etc/kubernetes/controller-manager.conf. It is used by kube-controller-manager pod to identify itself to kube-apiserver.

kube-scheduler client certificate

This is the client certificate signed by Kubernetes Root CA and embedded in /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf. It is used by kube-scheduler pod to identify itself to the kube-apiserver.

kube-apiserver server certificate

This is the kube-apiserver’s serving certificate. Clients connecting to the kube-apiserver will verify this certificate using Kubernetes Root CA certificate. The certificate and the corresponding private key are stored in file system:

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key

kube-apiserver’s kubelet client certificate

kube-apiserver’s client certificate for communications with kubelet. kube-apiserver identifies itself with this certificate when it connects to kubelet. The certificate and the corresponding private keys are stored in file system:

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.crt

  • /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.key

kubelet client certificate

This is the kubelet’s client certificate (with private key in it). kubelet identifies itself with this certificate when it connects to kube-apiserver. kubelet has Kubernetes Root CA certificate in /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf to verify peer certificates.

The certificate and its corresponding private key are store in file system as one file:

  • /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem

This certificate is configured to auto renew.