Show Details for a Device

Additional details are available when running the host-device-show command in the context of an FPGA device.


~(keystone_user)$ system host-device-show 2 0000:b2:00.0

| Property              | Value                     |
| name                  | pci_0000_b2_00_0          |
| ...                   | ...                       |
| root_key              | 0x2973c55fc739e8181b...   |
| revoked_key_ids       | 1,50-51                   |
| boot_page             | user                      |
| bitstream_id          | 0x2383a62a010504          |
| bmc_build_version     | D.2.0.6                   |
| bmc_fw_version        | D.2.0.21                  |

In the above example, the properties below the ellipse (…) are specific to FPGA devices.