Functional Overview

StarlingX includes a rich functionality set from open source projects.

The high-level functional diagram of StarlingX is shown in the diagram below:



Hardened Linux

A CentOS Linux Kernel and OS, tuned for performance and maintained with security CVE patches.

Variety of open-source software supporting StarlingX and/or Kubernetes

This includes packages such as Apache, Ceph, PostgreSql, Etcd, IPMI, etc., as well as some services from OpenStack such as the OpenStack Horizon Web interface, Keystone and Barbican.


Hardware and software infrastructure management.

  • Manages installation, maintenance and fault monitoring of dedicated bare metal servers running the StarlingX solution.

  • Manages the configuration of hardware and software services running on the host servers.

  • Provides the cluster management for services running on the HA master/control nodes cluster, as well critical software monitoring and recovery of services running on all nodes within the cluster.

  • Monitoring and reporting of faults and logs of both hardware and software services.

  • Support for managing software updates to all layers of software in the solution; this includes kernel, operating system, open-source packages, StarlingX and Kubernetes.

  • Kubernetes Container Orchestration Engine

  • Native Docker Runtime

  • Calico Container Networking

  • Accelerated Container Networking with multus and SR-IOV CNIs

  • Persistent Volume Claims backed by Ceph

  • Local Docker Registry

  • Helm / Tiller – Kubernetes Package Manager, and

  • FluxCd or Armada Airship (deprecated)

  • Keystone - Identity management

  • Nova - compute management

  • Neutron - network management

  • Glance - image management

  • Cinder - block storage

  • OpenStack Horizon - dashboard

  • Heat - Orchestration