Run Restore Playbook Locally on the Controller¶
To run restore on the controller, you need to download the backup to the active controller.
About this task
You can use an external storage device, for example, a USB drive. Use the following command to run the Ansible Restore playbook:
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_platform.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=<location_of_tarball ansible_become_pass=<admin_password> admin_password=<admin_password backup_filename=<backup_filename> wipe_ceph_osds=<true/false>"
The StarlingX restore supports the following optional modes, keeping the Ceph cluster data intact or wiping the Ceph cluster.
To keep the Ceph cluster data intact (false - default option), use the following parameter:
To wipe the Ceph cluster entirely (true), where the Ceph cluster will need to be recreated, use the following parameter:
Example of a backup file in /home/sysadmin
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_platform.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin ansible_become_pass=St0rlingX* admin_password=St0rlingX* backup_filename=localhost_platform_backup_2020_07_27_07_48_48.tgz wipe_ceph_osds=true"
If the backup contains patches, Ansible Restore playbook will apply the patches and prompt you to reboot the system. Then you will need to re-run Ansible Restore playbook.
To indicate that the backup data file is under /opt/platform-backup directory on the local machine, use the following parameter:
If this parameter is set to false, the Ansible Restore playbook expects both the initial_backup_dir and backup_filename to be specified.
After running restore_platform.yml playbook, you can restore the local registry images.
The backup file of the local registry images may be large. Restore the backed up file on the controller, where there is sufficient space.
For example:
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_user_images.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin backup_filename=localhost_docker_local_registry_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz ansible_become_pass=St0rlingX*"