Check New Registry and Reapply Application

Perform these steps on both controllers. Use controller-0 first and then swact to controller-1 and perform the same steps.


The private docker registry name must not end with “.local” to ensure that the domain name is properly resolved using external DNS.


  1. Run this command to login:

    sudo docker login
  2. Run this command to do a test pull of the image:

    sudo docker image pull
    crictl pull --creds docker:******
    sudo docker image rm
    crictl rmi
  3. Check if an application re-apply will now properly pull from the registries. First, remove the images for an application, such as nginx-ingress-controller, from the registry.local and the local image cache for all nodes (assuming AIO-SX), in order to force the next re-apply of the application to re-pull these images.

    system registry-image-tags
    | Image Tag |
    | 0.23.0    |
    system registry-image-delete
    system registry-garbage-collect
    crictl images ls | grep
    registry.local:9001/   0.23.0                                                   42d47fe0c78f5       242MB
    crictl rmi registry.local:9001/
    # Note an error on this step means there is no image in the cache
    # SSH to controller-1 (or the standby controller)
    crictl rmi registry.local:9001/


    The registry-garbage-collect command executes background tasks that may affect access to the docker registry. It is recommended to wait a few minutes before executing other registry related commands.

  4. To reapply the application run the following command:

    system application-apply nginx-ingress-controller
  5. Then, debug tail -f /var/log/sysinv.log and look for the following information:

    sysinv 2020-09-09 23:42:23.476 14930 INFO sysinv.conductor.kube_app [-] Image registry.local:9001/ is not available in local registry, download started from public/private registry
    sysinv 2020-09-09 23:42:23.526 14930 INFO sysinv.conductor.kube_app [-] Image registry.local:9001/ download succeeded in 0 seconds
    sysinv 2020-09-09 23:43:10.226 14930 INFO sysinv.conductor.kube_app [-] Remove image <hostname>:5001/< path>/ after push to local registry.
    sysinv 2020-09-09 23:43:10.595 14930 INFO sysinv.conductor.kube_app [-] Image registry.local:9001/ download succeeded in 47 seconds
    sysinv 2020-09-09 23:43:10.596 14930 INFO sysinv.conductor.kube_app [-] All docker images for application nginx-ingress-controller were successfully downloaded in 50 seconds
  6. Validate that the application is running:

       system application-list
        | application              | version  | manifest name                     | manifest file                   | status   | progress  |
        | cert-manager             | 20.06-4  | cert-manager-manifest             | certmanager-manifest.yaml       | applied  | completed |
    --> | nginx-ingress-controller | 20.06-0  | nginx-ingress-controller-manifest | nginx_ingress_controller_manife | applied  | completed |
        |                          |          |                                   | st.yaml                         |          |           |
        |                          |          |                                   |                                 |          |           |
        | oidc-auth-apps           | 20.06-26 | oidc-auth-manifest                | manifest.yaml                   | uploaded | completed |
        | platform-integ-apps      | 20.06-9  | platform-integration-manifest     | manifest.yaml                   | uploaded | completed |
  7. Validate that the image is in the local registry:

    system registry-image-tags
     | Image Tag |
     | 0.23.0    |