Run Ansible Backup Playbook Locally on the Controller

In this method the Ansible Backup playbook is run on the active controller.

Use one of the following commands to run the Ansible Backup playbook and back up the StarlingX configuration, data, and user container images in registry.local:

  • ~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/backup.yml -e "ansible_become_pass=<sysadmin password> admin_password=<sysadmin password>" -e "backup_registry_filesystem=true"
  • ~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/backup.yml --ask-vault-pass -e "override_files_dir=$HOME/override_dir"

The <admin_password> and <ansible_become_pass> need to be set correctly using the -e option on the command line, with an override file secured with ansible-vault (recommended).

For example, create your override file with the ansible-vault create $HOME/override_dir/localhost-backup.yaml command and copy the following lines into the file. You will be prompted for a password to protect/encrypt the file. Use the ansible-vault edit $HOME/override_dir/localhost-backup.yaml command if the file needs to be edited after it is created.

cat << EOF > localhost-backup.yaml
ansible_become_pass: "<admin_password>"
admin_password: "<admin_password>"
backup_user_local_registry: "true"

The output files will be named:

  • inventory_hostname_platform_backup_timestamp.tgz

  • inventory_hostname_wr-openstack_backup_timestamp.tgz

  • inventory_hostname_docker_local_registry_backup_timestamp.tgz

  • inventory_hostname_dc_vault_backup_timestamp.tgz

The output files’ prefixes can be overridden with the following variables using the -e option on the command line or by using an override file.

  • platform_backup_filename_prefix

  • openstack_backup_filename_prefix

  • docker_local_registry_backup_filename_prefix

  • dc_vault_backup_filename_prefix

  • openstack_app_name: “StarlingX OpenStack” (optional for StarlingX OpenStack application backup)

The generated backup tar files will be displayed in the following format, for example:

  • localhost_docker_local_registry_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz

  • localhost_platform_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz

  • localhost_openstack_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz

  • localhost_dc_vault_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz

These files are located by default in the /opt/backups directory on controller-0, and contains the complete system backup.

If the default location needs to be modified, the variable backup_dir can be overridden using the -e option on the command line or by using an override file.