Configure VLAN Type Interfaces Using the SR-IOV Interface From the CLI¶
You can use the CLI to attach VLAN interfaces to networks.
About this task
You must create an SR-IOV interface before you can provision a vlan interface. For more information, see Provisioning SR-IOV VF Interfaces using the CLI.
Lock the host.
~(keystone_admin)$ host-lock controller-0
List the attached interfaces.
To list all interfaces, use the system host-if-list command and include the
flag.~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-list -a controller-0 +-------------+-----------+-----------+----------+------+----------------+-------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | uuid | name | class | type | vlan | ports | uses i/f | used by i/f | attributes | | | | | | id | | | | | +-------------+-----------+-----------+----------+------+----------------+-------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | 0aa20d82-...| sriovvf2 | pci-sriov | vf | None | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1500,max_tx_rate=100 | | 0e5f162d-...| mgmt0 | platform | vlan | 163 | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1500 | | 14f2ed53-...| sriov0 | pci-sriov | ethernet | None | [u'enp24s0f0'] | [] | [u'sriovnet1', u'oam0', | MTU=9000 | | | | | | | | | u'sriovnet2', u'sriovvf2', | | | | | | | | | | u'sriovvf1', u'mgmt0', | | | | | | | | | | u'pxeboot0'] | | | | | | | | | | | | | 163592bd-...| data1 | data | ethernet | None | [u'enp24s0f1'] | [] | [] | MTU=1500,accelerated=True | | 1831571d-...| sriovnet2 | pci-sriov | vf | None | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1956,max_tx_rate=100 | | 5741318f-...| eno2 | None | ethernet | None | [u'eno2'] | [] | [] | MTU=1500 | | 5bd79fbd-...| enp26s0f0 | None | ethernet | None | [u'enp26s0f0'] | [] | [] | MTU=1500 | | 623d5494-...| oam0 | platform | vlan | 103 | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1500 | | 78b4080a-...| enp26s0f1 | None | ethernet | None | [u'enp26s0f1'] | [] | [] | MTU=1500 | | a6f1f901-...| eno1 | None | ethernet | None | [u'eno1'] | [] | [] | MTU=1500 | | f37eac1b-...| pxeboot0 | platform | ethernet | None | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1500 | | f7c62216-...| sriovnet1 | pci-sriov | vf | None | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1500,max_tx_rate=100 | | fcbe3aca-...| sriovvf1 | pci-sriov | vf | None | [] | [u'sriov0'] | [] | MTU=1956,max_tx_rate=100 | +-------------+-----------+-----------+----------+------+----------------+-------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+
Create a VLAN interface.
Use a command of the following form:
~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-add <hostname> -V <vlan_id> \ -c <--ifclass> <interface name> <sriov_intf_name> [<datanetwork>]
where the following options are available:
- interface name
A name or UUID for the interface (Required).
To avoid potential internal inconsistencies, do not use upper case characters when creating interface names. Some components normalize all interface names to lower case.
- vlan_id
The VLAN identifier for the network.
- hostname
The name or UUID of the host.
- ifclass
The class of the interface. The valid classes are platform, data, pci-sriov, and pci-passthrough.
- sriov_intf_name
The name of the SR-IOV interface.
- datanetworks
A list of data networks, delimited by quotes and separated by commas; for example, “net-a, net-b”. To specify a single data network, omit the quotes. This parameter is required only if the <networktype> is set to data,pci-sriov or pci-passthru.
- network
The name or ID of the network to assign the interface to
For example, to attach a VLAN interface named cluster0 with VLAN ID 164 to the cluster-host network using SR-IOV interface sriov0 on controller-0:
~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-add controller-0 -V 164 -c platform cluster0 vlan sriov0 +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | ifname | cluster0 | | iftype | vlan | | ports | [] | | imac | 3c:fd:fe:ac:60:44 | | imtu | 1500 | | ifclass | platform | | ptp_role | none | | aemode | None | | schedpolicy | None | | txhashpolicy | None | | uuid | 6fa5015f-bcd3-4059-8fc1-9cdbbbe31d39 | | ihost_uuid | 1b67fe83-5010-4eac-bcca-6a6e6f2bd197 | | vlan_id | 164 | | uses | [u'sriov0'] | | used_by | [] | | created_at | 2021-02-24T15:04:48.116079+00:00 | | updated_at | None | | sriov_numvfs | 0 | | sriov_vf_driver | None | | max_tx_rate | None | | ipv4_mode | None | | ipv6_mode | None | | accelerated | [True] | +-----------------+--------------------------------------+
Attach the newly created VLAN interface to a network.
Use a command of the following format:
~(keystone_admin)$ system interface-network-assign <hostname> <interface name> <network>
For example:
~(keystone_admin)$ system interface-network-assign controller-0 cluster0 cluster-host
Unlock the host.
~(keystone_admin)$ host-unlock controller-0