Delete or Disable Interfaces Using the CLIΒΆ

You can delete an interface using the CLI.


You cannot delete an interface of type Ethernet. You can designate it as unused by setting its Interface Class to none.


  • Depending on the type of interface, do one of the following:

    • Use the system host-if-delete command.

      ~(keystone_admin)system host-if-delete <host> <interface>

      where the following options are available:


      The hostname or ID of the host.


      The name or UUID of the interface.

      For example, to delete an aggregated Ethernet interface named eth1a on worker-0:

      ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-delete worker-0 eth1a
      Deleted interface: host worker-0 if eth1a
    • Use the system host-if-modify command.

      For example, to designate the eth1 Ethernet interface on worker-0 as unused:

      ~(keystone_admin)$ system host-if-modify -c none worker-0 eth1
      | Property          | Value                                 |
      | ifname            | eth1                                  |
      | ifclass           | none                                  |
      | iftype            | ethernet                              |
      | ports             | [u'eth1']                             |
      | providernetworks  | None                                  |
      | imac              | 08:00:27:91:f9:b6                     |
      | imtu              | 1500                                  |
      | aemode            | None                                  |
      | schedpolicy       | None                                  |
      | txhashpolicy      | None                                  |
      | uuid              | 87dd1d4b-1e38-4f6c-a692-4c4199a3ef0e  |
      | ihost_uuid        | 3b659824-eac3-4446-af73-f4a519e8ab30  |
      | vlan_id           | None                                  |
      | uses              | []                                    |
      | used_by           | []                                    |
      | created_at        | 2016-09-22T18:24:08.092296+00:00      |
      | updated_at        | 2016-09-22T18:36:46.333354+00:00      |
      | sriov_numvfs      | 0                                     |
      | ipv4_mode         | disabled                              |
      | ipv6_mode         | disabled                              |
      | accelerated       | [u'True']                             |