Backup a Subcloud/Group of Subclouds using DCManager CLI

A subcloud’s system data and optionally container images (from registry.local) can be backed up using dcmanager command line interface (CLI). The subcloud’s system backup data can either be stored locally on the subcloud or on the system controller. The subcloud’s container image backup (from registry.local) can only be stored locally on the subcloud to avoid overloading central storage and the network with large amount of data transfer.

By default, the system controller is used as backup archive storage. Once the system data backup file has been generated on the subcloud, it will be transferred to the system controller and stored at a dedicated central location /opt/dc-vault/backups/<subcloud-name>/<release-version>.


Enabling the GEO Redundancy function will affect some of the subcloud backup functions. For more information on GEO Redundancy and its restrictions, see Configure Distributed Cloud System Controller GEO Redundancy.

Backup data creation requires the subcloud to be online, managed, and in healthy state.

About this task

The CLI command dcmanager subcloud-backup create can be used to backup a subcloud or a group of subclouds. The command accepts the following parameters/options:


Generate a local backup archive and do not transfer to central storage (default storage location: /opt/platform-backup/backups/<release-version>). If not specified, default is to transfer backup archive to central storage on systemController.


Generate backup of container images from registry.local (local storage only. Default storage location: /opt/platform-backup/backups/<release-version>)

--subcloud <subcloud-name>

The subcloud to perform the backup operation on.

--group <subcloud-group-name>

The group of subclouds to perform backup operations on.

--backup-values <yaml-file>

The yaml file containing the customization parameters for the backup operation.

  • exclude_dirs=/opt/patching/**/*: To exclude patch data from being included in the Backup.


    Patch data should only be excluded for AIO-SX subclouds.


    Excluding patch data can save a significant amount of storage space, transfer time, and compress/decompress the compute node.

See Run Ansible Backup Playbook Locally on the Controller for the list of configurable system backup parameters

--sysadmin-password <sysadmin-password>

If not specified, user will be prompted for the password. Recommend that this option is ONLY used for automation; i.e., for interactive use, don’t use option and specify password on prompting, so as to avoid sysadmin password getting into log files.

The --subcloud/--group is a mandatory parameter.

When --registry-images option is applied, the entire registry filesystem which contains both platform and user container images will be backed up.

Backup data of at most 2 software releases can be retained. Data of the oldest software release will be removed to make room for data of the newest software release. At most one set of backup data is stored for each release. The newly generated set will replace the old one if exists.

The local storage location of backup data files can be customized using --backup-values <yaml-file> option. The --backup-values <yaml-file>``is specified on the systemController every time you execute ``dcmanager subcloud-backup create, so the backup values are easily re-applied to a subcloud regardless of whether it has been re-installed or not. Storage location customization and/or backup filename customization can also lead to complications in restoring a group of subclouds.

It is not possible to customize the central storage location. Backup data of all subclouds stored centrally will have the same naming convention and be stored at /opt/dc-vault/backups/<subcloud>/<release>/.

Back up a single subcloud


  • The System Controller is healthy and ready to accept dcmanager related commands.

  • For central storage, the dc-vault filesystem has enough storage to accommodate new subcloud backup files.

  • For local storage, the /opt/platform-backup partition on the subcloud has enough storage to accommodate new subcloud backup files(s).

  • The subcloud is managed, online and healthy.


To backup a subcloud system data and store the backup file in the central storage:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud-backup create --subcloud <subcloud> --sysadmin-password <sysadmin-password>

To backup a subcloud system data and store the backup file in default local storage:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud-backup create --subcloud <subcloud> --local-only --sysadmin-password <sysadmin-password>

To backup a subcloud system data as well as all container images and store the backup files in default local storage:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud-backup create --subcloud <subcloud> --local-only --registry-images --sysadmin-password <sysadmin-password>


  • The --registry-images option must only be used with --local-only option.

  • The images backup file will contain both platform and user/custom images that are in the subcloud local registry.

To backup a subcloud system data with a custom filename and store the backup file in default local storage:

  1. Create a yaml file e.g. backup_overrides.yaml with the following content:

    platform_backup_filename_prefix: test_backup
  2. Then, run the command:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud-backup create --subcloud <subcloud> --local-only --backup-values backup_overrides.yaml --sysadmin-password <sysadmin_password>

Sample response to a single subcloud backup:

| Field                       | Value                      |
| id                          | 7                          |
| name                        | subcloud1                  |
| description                 | None                       |
| location                    | None                       |
| software_version            | 22.12                      |
| management                  | managed                    |
| availability                | online                     |
| deploy_status               | complete                   |
| management_subnet           | fd01:176::0/64             |
| management_start_ip         | fd01:176::2                |
| management_end_ip           | fd01:176::11               |
| management_gateway_ip       | fd01:176::1                |
| systemcontroller_gateway_ip | fd01:1::1                  |
| group_id                    | 1                          |
| created_at                  | 2022-12-13 00:09:44.543494 |
| updated_at                  | 2022-12-13 01:25:16.343380 |
| backup_status               | initial                    |
| backup_datetime             | None                       |


Custom naming of backup files stored in the central storage is not supported.

To view the progress of subcloud backup, use dcmanager subcloud show or dcmanager subcloud list command:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud show subcloud1

| Field                       | Value                      |
| id                          | 7                          |
| name                        | subcloud1                  |
| description                 | None                       |
| location                    | None                       |
| software_version            | 22.12                      |
| management                  | managed                    |
| availability                | online                     |
| deploy_status               | complete                   |
| management_subnet           | fd01:176::0/64             |
| management_start_ip         | fd01:176::2                |
| management_end_ip           | fd01:176::11               |
| management_gateway_ip       | fd01:176::1                |
| systemcontroller_gateway_ip | fd01:1::1                  |
| group_id                    | 1                          |
| created_at                  | 2022-12-13 00:09:44.543494 |
| updated_at                  | 2022-12-13 04:13:46.462597 |
| backup_status               | backing-up                 |
| backup_datetime             | None                       |
| dc-cert_sync_status         | in-sync                    |
| firmware_sync_status        | in-sync                    |
| identity_sync_status        | in-sync                    |
| kubernetes_sync_status      | in-sync                    |
| kube-rootca_sync_status     | in-sync                    |
| load_sync_status            | in-sync                    |
| patching_sync_status        | in-sync                    |
| platform_sync_status        | in-sync                    |

If the backup operation completes successfully, the backup_status field will show as complete and where the backup file is stored (central vs local); and the backup_datetime will show the time the backup was taken.

For example:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud list

| id | name      | management | availability | deploy status | sync    | backup status    | backup datetime            |
|  4 | subcloud1 | managed    | online       | complete      | in-sync | complete-local   | 2022-12-12 18:47:10.221813 |
|  7 | subcloud2 | managed    | online       | complete      | in-sync | complete-central | 2022-12-13 04:17:15.281068 |

If the backup operation fails, dcmanager subcloud errors command can be used to view the error.

Back up a group of subclouds

The above subcloud-backup create operations can be performed for a group of subclouds simultaneously by replacing --subcloud option with --group option. For instance, to backup system data for a group of subclouds and store the backup files in the central storage:

~(keystone_admin)]$ dcmanager subcloud-backup create --group <group> --sysadmin-password <sysadmin-password>

If all subclouds in the group are unmanaged or offline, an error message will be displayed. If some of the subclouds in the group meet backup operation criteria, a list will be displayed.

Sample group backup response:

| id | name      | description | location | software_version | management | availability | deploy_status | management_subnet | management_start_ip | management_end_ip | management_gateway_ip | systemcontroller_gateway_ip | group_id | created_at                 | updated_at                 | backup_status | backup_datetime |
|  8 | subcloud1 | None        | None     | 22.12            | managed    | online       | complete      | fd01:15::0/64     | fd01:15::2          | fd01:15::11       | fd01:15::1            | fd01:1::1                   |        2 | 2022-12-13 18:23:03.883068 | 2022-12-13 21:28:10.190154 | initial       | None            |
|  9 | subcloud2 | None        | None     | 22.12            | managed    | online       | complete      | fd01:176::0/64    | fd01:176::2         | fd01:176::11      | fd01:176::1           | fd01:1::1                   |        2 | 2022-12-13 19:27:55.115604 | 2022-12-13 21:28:17.221334 | initial       | None            |

To view the progress of subcloud group backup, use dcmanager subcloud list or dcmanager subcloud-group list-subclouds command.

~(keystone_admin)]$ watch dcmanager subcloud list

| id | name      | management | availability | deploy status | sync    | backup status | backup datetime |
|  8 | subcloud1 | managed    | online       | complete      | in-sync | backing-up    | None            |
|  9 | subcloud2 | managed    | online       | complete      | in-sync | backing-up    | None            |