Run Hashicorp Vault Restore Playbook Locally on the Controller

Similar to platform restore, Hashicorp Vault restore backup files must be on the active controller.

You can use an external storage device, for example, a USB drive. Use the following command to run the Hashicorp Vault Restore playbook:

~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/vault_restore.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=<location_of_tarball> backup_filename=<backup_filename> on_box_data=<true/false>"

Below you can find other -e command line options:


-e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin"

Where the backup .tgz files are located on the box.

-e backup_filename=localhost_hc_vault_backup.tgz

The basename of the platform backup tgz. The full path will be a combination {{initial_backup_dir}/{backup_filename}}}

-e backup_encryption_enabled=false

If backup encryption is selected during platform backup, then this option is also required when you run the Vault restore procedure. The archive file of Vault backup contains metadata which indicates whether the snapshot was encrypted with a user supplied passphrase, for example:

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ VAULT_ARCHIVE=/opt/platform-backup/localhost_hc_vault_backup_2024_07_17_18_00_24.tgz

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ METAF="$( tar tf $VAULT_ARCHIVE | grep "tar.metadata$" )"

[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ tar xf "$VAULT_ARCHIVE" -O "$METAF" | 'user_encrypted'

Select the backup_encryption_enabled option if user_encrypted is ‘true’ in the metadata.

-e backup_encryption_passphrase=<encryption_password>

When backup_encryption_enabled is set to true, then the backup_encryption_passphrase option is also required. Consider using ansible-vault to store and specify passwords.

(Optional): You can set these options to specify the backup file location:

  • To define a convenient place to store the backup files, defined by initial-backup_dir, on the system (such as the home folder for sysadmin, or /tmp, or even a mounted USB device), use the on_box_data=true/false parameter.

    If this parameter is set to true, Hashicorp Vault playbook will look for the backup file provided on the target server. The parameter initial_backup_dir can be omitted from the command line. In this case, the backup file will be under /opt/platform-backup directory.

    If this parameter is set to false, the Hashicorp Vault playbook will look for backup files provided on the Ansible controller. In this case, both the initial_backup_dir and backup_filename must be specified in the command.

    Example of a backup file in /home/sysadmin:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/vault_restore.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin backup_filename=localhost_hc_vault_backup_2020_07_27_07_48_48.tgz"