Standardize Flock Package Versioning

Problem description

Currently all original StarlingX services and packages have a common base version of 1.0 or 1.0.0 as defined in the rpm specfiles, before TIS_PATCH_VER is applied. The build system creates tarballs and whl files with the base version (without TIS_PATCH_VER) and the version is also attached the generated RPM file (with TIS_PATCH_VER). While this version is intended to be an API version, it is also being applied to packaging.

While the RPM package versions are unique based on the %{tis_patch_ver} being part of the “Release” component of the RPM package name, this does not fully reflect the actual version of the packages in the repo. The proposed approach would initially version all packages in a repo with the same PBR generated %{version} with the unique %{release} containing tis_patch_ver value (or something similar).

A common versioning approach is highly beneficial across all of these components. This supports the packaging and re-use of these components in multiple Linux distributions and in containers.

Every packaging toolchain has its own build recipe requirements to create packages. They usually require the ability to generate a proper version from the source code or code repository. StarlingX leverages much of the tooling used by OpenStack projects. Having a versioning scheme that deviates significantly from those used by OpenStack creates additional work and cognitive load for developers and consumers of these components.

Use Cases

  • Publishing packages to RPM repositories requires a predictable versioning scheme. OS packaging expects a scheme approximating semantic versioning [0].

  • Independent component versions allow interim code releases between the integrated StarlingX releases in the future. This is most useful in library and client components, such that they can be consumed by independently of the integrated release.

Proposed change

StarlingX will adopt the OpenStack Semantic Versioning [0] model based on the usual MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format where:

  • MAJOR version increment indicates incompatible API changes or a new integrated release

  • MINOR version increment indicates new backward-compatible functionality or dependency changes

  • PATCH version increment indicates backward-compatible bug fixes

OpenStack’s Python Build Reasonableness (PBR) [1] will be used to generate the version by parsing semantically-versioned Git tags and walking the Git history back to the last release tag. Each commit is denoted in the generated version by an additional component based on the git commit-ish or an incrementing value as described in the PBR documentation.

The Release string which contains the %{tis_patch_ver} will remain unchanged and still appended to the final version string of the RPM.

For example, with a git tag of “2.0.0” in a repo and a TIS_PATCH_VER=7 for a package in that repo, PBR will generate the version based on this tag and set %{version} to 2.0.0, and the %{release} would be 7.tis. The final package name would be <package>-2.0.0-7.tis.<arch>.rpm. Future version numbers would be based on the number of commits from the 2.0.0 tag, so 5 commits later the version string will be 2.0.1.dev5-7.tis (assuming TIS_PATCH_VER is unchanged).

Git repositories:

  • Add Semantically-versioned Git tags to all flock package git repos.

  • Packages in a single repo have the same version.

  • Versioning is managed per repo, for example one repo could be at 2.0.1 and another at 2.0.4 if there has been more change to the second repo.

  • This process, independent of policy, supports both keeping the major versions synced with the integrated release or allowing them to diverge.

Build scripts and RPM spec files need to be improved:

  • Build scripts need to be improved to use PBR to generate a proper version from the Semantically-versioned Git tags.

  • Build scripts will use rpmbuild tool to define “pkg_version” for SRPM build. The spec file should be improved to accept it from build scripts.

  • Build scripts will continue to use TIS_PATCH_VER as defined in


Manage the package version manually. Most version will remain at 1.0 along with the TIS_PATCH_VERSION info.

Data model impact


REST API impact

REST APIs is versioned separately as is done in many OpenStack projects to allow them to evolve and be detectable by API consumers.

Security impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

To add new packages, it needs to update the spec file to accept “pkg_version” definition from build scripts.

Releases (any version change) is handled by the release tooling. It does not need developer practice.

Upgrade impact


This change only applies to flock packages (e.g. stx-fault).

TIS_PATCH_VERSION is removed from the package version. It should be handled similar to existing upstream packages, e.g. from CentOS, that are unmodified and have no TIS_PATCH_VERSION.



Primary assignee:

Bin Yang (byangintel)

Other contributors:

Saul Wold (sgw-starlingx)

Repos Impacted

  • All repos will be tagged except docs, elections, governance, and specs

  • Repos that generate artifact such as: * starlingx/ansible-playbooks * starlingx/clients * starlingx/config * starlingx/fault * starlingx/gui * starlingx/ha * starlingx/metal * starlingx/nfv * starlingx/update

Work Items

  • Add and setup.cfg in non-pythonic repo for PBR to generate version.

  • Improve the build scripts to generate package version with PBR.

  • Improve the RPM spec file to accept the version from build scripts.

  • Add git tag for version generation.




This change should be transparent for the common developer, so no changes should be noticed after this implementation. The proposed testing is:

  • To have a full clean build: The build procedure shall be transparent for the developer.

  • Check the impacted packages’ version manually.

  • Validate installation is completed correctly and initial boot deployment works

Documentation Impact

Add a documentation to explain the version generation.



